
At Oakley School our vision is to create a positive ethos which promotes inclusion of all pupils to achieve their full potential within a supportive, caring atmosphere.

To achieve this, the following principles govern the inclusive way in which we work: 
  • All children are valued equally i.e., children of all abilities and disabilities, from all cultures, races and gender identity.
  • All children have an entitlement to the full curriculum and, whenever possible, are integrated into mainstream classes.
  • All teachers are committed to ensuring that the individual needs of children are met by adapting aspects of the curriculum and employing teaching strategies to ensure all pupils achieve their full potential.
  • All teachers accept and understand their responsibility within the overall school policy for meeting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
To meet the special educational needs of individual pupils:
The SEND Code of Practice sets out stages for SEND provision and Oakley School’s strategies for meeting SEND are aligned to these stages.

The needs of pupils with SEND are identified, assessed, provided for and regularly reviewed. 
  • Oakley School has a team of Teaching Assistants who support children in all curriculum areas in accessing the mainstream curriculum and working towards personalised goals. 
  • Additional support is available according to an individual pupil’s needs, including home learning support sessions, shared reading, and mentoring.
  • Oakley School works in close partnership with parents/carers and other relevant agencies, as appropriate, in supporting pupils to reach their full potential

If you have any concerns regarding SEND please email