Behaviour and Expectations
Oakley School has a culture of high expectations. We expect that pupils do their best, behave well, dress smartly and speak politely with their peers and with adults. We know that children and young people thrive within a culture which challenges and supports them. Through our Pastoral curriculum, and reinforced at every opportunity, our pupils will learn what it is to be a respectful and responsible person who is ready to learn. You can encourage them to reach this high expectation by reinforcing the following behaviours and attitudes.
Respectful Learners in our Primary School: listen to peers and adults when it’s their turn talk, remember to use manners and engage positively with others, care and share when learning together.
Responsible Learners in our Primary School: make safe choices, follow instructions, behave in line with our school values, be accountable for their actions and apologise when appropriate.
Readiness to Learn in our Primary School: listening and following instructions, sharing and cooperating with others, making safe and appropriate choices in independent learning time and try their best.
We use ‘Restorative Approaches’ towards behaviour. Being ‘restorative’ focuses on building positive relationships based on responsibility, respect, and fairness. In turn, this creates a community that is supportive, accountable, and respectful. We believe that every individual is responsible for their own behaviour. We endeavour to promote and model environments that are supportive, polite, and safe for all.
At Oakley School, we promote the positive attitudes and behaviours expected of our pupils by acknowledging and rewarding them for their efforts and achievements.
How will my child be rewarded?
How will my child be rewarded?
- Praise Stickers and Value stickers
- Verbal praise
- Praise Postcard
- Star in the Jar – whole class incentive
- Parental Email/Telephone Call
- Individual Awards (Celebration Assembly)
- Display of Work
- House Achievement Points (HAPs)
House System
All pupils are placed into one of three houses: Peacock (Red), Meadow (Blue), or Admiral (Purple). These House names were chosen to acknowlege the most commonly found butterflies in Oakley Woods- the beautiful woodland situated right on our doorstep. The aim of the House system is to create the best possible ethos for pupils’ personal development and for the achievement of their potential in all aspects of life. The three Houses compete with each other to win the annual House competition, the winning House being the one with the most points at the end of the Summer Term. Pupils in the winning House have the opportunity of taking part in a House reward in the following Autumn Term. Pupils can gain House Achievement Points (HAPs) in a number of ways including effort when learning, displaying, and living out our school values, participation in memorable experiences etc. As pupils move into older year groups, they will also have the opportunity to represent their house and tutor group by being elected to the Pupil Council. Each year, our pupil leaders select and vote for a ‘Charity of the Year’ and the proceeds of all our fundraising efforts including Charity Week and Non-uniform days go towards it. Each House competes to raise the most money for additional HAPs.
All pupils are placed into one of three houses: Peacock (Red), Meadow (Blue), or Admiral (Purple). These House names were chosen to acknowlege the most commonly found butterflies in Oakley Woods- the beautiful woodland situated right on our doorstep. The aim of the House system is to create the best possible ethos for pupils’ personal development and for the achievement of their potential in all aspects of life. The three Houses compete with each other to win the annual House competition, the winning House being the one with the most points at the end of the Summer Term. Pupils in the winning House have the opportunity of taking part in a House reward in the following Autumn Term. Pupils can gain House Achievement Points (HAPs) in a number of ways including effort when learning, displaying, and living out our school values, participation in memorable experiences etc. As pupils move into older year groups, they will also have the opportunity to represent their house and tutor group by being elected to the Pupil Council. Each year, our pupil leaders select and vote for a ‘Charity of the Year’ and the proceeds of all our fundraising efforts including Charity Week and Non-uniform days go towards it. Each House competes to raise the most money for additional HAPs.
In times where pupils do not meet our expectations of behaviour and attitude, we will engage in restorative conversations to support children to reflect on and take responsibility for their behaviour, repairing any harm done, and rebuilding and restoring relationships. Adults have a key role in modelling the use of communication and language in instances such as sharing, turn-taking and respectful use of resources and space. If necessary, this will be escalated to the Assistant Head who is responsible for Early Years. We place great importance on the partnership and collaboration we share with parents and carers. If your child is involved in such incidences this will be shared with you to enable you to discuss this further at home. Our partnership is essential in creating consistent and united messages to the children.
In times where pupils do not meet our expectations of behaviour and attitude, we will engage in restorative conversations to support children to reflect on and take responsibility for their behaviour, repairing any harm done, and rebuilding and restoring relationships. Adults have a key role in modelling the use of communication and language in instances such as sharing, turn-taking and respectful use of resources and space. If necessary, this will be escalated to the Assistant Head who is responsible for Early Years. We place great importance on the partnership and collaboration we share with parents and carers. If your child is involved in such incidences this will be shared with you to enable you to discuss this further at home. Our partnership is essential in creating consistent and united messages to the children.