Our vision for SEND at Oakley School
At Oakley School we strive to create an inclusive culture that enables pupils to be happy, confident, independent learners who grow to become the very best they can be.
We strive to achieve this by:
Reducing the barriers to learning across the 4 broad areas of need
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Physical and Sensory Needs
Medical Conditions and Disabilities
Educating all pupils about Neurodiversity through the LEANS curriculum from the University of Edinburgh
Working collaboratively with pupils, parents and external agencies
Our vision is in line with the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years July 2014. A copy of the Code of Practice can be found at:
Oakley SEND email address is
Please be aware that, in line with our policy, your request will be acknowledged within 24 hours. It will then be passed to the relevant team, who will make contact with you.