We are committed to all our students having the best possible education and positive experiences during their time with us – making positive connections with their tutor, peers, subjects, through memorable experiences in school, trips and extra-curricular opportunities. To achieve this, we expect that students achieve at least 96% attendance every academic year.  
There are a variety of reasons for students missing school. Some reasons are unavoidable, but we are committed to working with you to ensure that your child fully benefits from coming to school to form strong and lasting connections.
All absences have to be coded and then become part of your child's attendance record. Where a student is not in school and we don’t receive a reason, we have to mark this absence as unauthorised.


If your child is unable to attend school, please report the absence on the first day of absence, via our telephone no 01926 290646. Please ensure you have the 'My Child At School (MCAS)' app installed and notifications enabled as we will communicate with you via the app if your child is not in school without a reason.


Application for leave of absence

Click to view or download

Attendance: Frequently Asked Questions