Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers

Our ultimate aim is to ensure that every pupil comes to school ready to learn, this, in turn, will raise attainment for our Pupil Premium cohort. It is of the utmost importance that staff identify and support barriers to learning, evidence suggests that majority of such barriers are outside of school. We work closely with our families and their wider network to ensure that they have access to a wide range of services. We use our Pupil Premium budget to ensure all pupils receive a high quality education as well as supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils. Funding is provided for various reasons as listed below:

  • £955 for Y7-11 pupils:
Pupils registered as eligible for free school meals at any time during the last six years (FSM6)
  • £310 for Y7-11 pupils:
Pupils registered as Armed Forces Service Child in the previous 6 years
  • £2345 for Y7-11 pupils:
Pupils who have been in Local Authority Care for 1 day or more in the last six months

Pupils who have been identified on the January 2018 census as being adopted from state care (this includes leaving care under a Special Guardianship Order or a Child Arrangements Order).

We would like to remind parents that if they feel they may be eligible for free school meals they should contact Warwickshire County Council through the following details or apply online using the provided link. Please use this link even if you live outside of Warwickshire as it is based on the school attended:


Children, Young People and Families, Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4SP 01926 742060


Oakley School Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024